So, why do we as Authors write? Money? Adventure? Or just the love of the written word? Most people venture into things because of a void in their life. Me? Of course I have voids in my life, who doesn't? Name one person that has everything that he/she wants and I'll show you something, somewhere that is missing in that person's life. With that being said, not only does writing fill a void for me, but it also carries me away from reality to a place where judgment, life's struggles, financial difficulties and even death does not dwell, unless I so wish it.
So, what "does" dwell in my make-believe world? That is the beauty of it all! My answer: Anything that my heart desires. Some days, I desire love and romance-the kind that causes you to shutter at the sheer intensity of it all, like a passionate first kiss shared between two opposing souls, fighting to be be together, even if it is just for one milisecond of a moment. Like many others, I strive to experience that make-your-toes-curl kinda feeling, that we know only happens in our fantasy worlds. Other days I desire mystery, suspense-the kind that allows you to follow the clues, peeking your interest until the last leaf is uncoved and you almost fall out of your chair with a "Oh, my gosh! I can't believe he was the killer!" kinda moment.
Similar to the feelings that a reader experiences when delving into a new book, as an Author, I get to experience the flip-side of things. I get to allow my story to travel to whatever depths that my mind's eye dares to go. I also feel what my characters feel: sadness, horror, embarrasment, happiness and so on and like a parent, I am proud of their accomplishments and disappointed at their mistakes.
So, why do we as Authors write? Is it because of money, adventure, the love of the written word or a void in our lives that we are trying to fill? The answer: Different strokes for different folks. Meaning, that I am sure that different Authors write for many different reasons, possibly one of the above mentioned reasons or maybe even a combanation of them all. The only certain answer that I can honestly provide is my own personal reasons for writing. What motivates me to go home after a long day at work, pick up my computer and unload the thoughts that are hybernating in my head? My answer: To escape reality, of course, fill the voids in my life, go on a new adventure of my own making, explore the world of the written word and finally, yes, it is nice to make a little money while doing what you love.
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